sensors - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core

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Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +60.0°C  

Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl:         +67.5°C  
Tccd1:        +47.8°C  

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +40.9°C  (low  = -20.1°C, high = +74.8°C)
                       (crit = +79.8°C)

Adapter: ACPI interface
temp1:        +16.8°C  (crit = +20.8°C)
temp2:        +16.8°C  (crit = +20.8°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
vddgfx:      825.00 mV 
fan1:        1547 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, max = 3300 RPM)
edge:         +53.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C)
                       (emerg = +105.0°C)
junction:     +56.0°C  (crit = +110.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C)
                       (emerg = +115.0°C)
mem:          +58.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C, hyst = -273.1°C)
                       (emerg = +105.0°C)
PPT:          43.00 W  (cap = 284.00 W)

Adapter: ISA adapter
in0:           1.81 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)
in1:           2.78 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)  ALARM
in2:         948.00 mV (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)
+3.3V:       131.00 mV (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +5.56 V)
in4:           1.80 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)
in5:           1.20 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)
in6:           1.41 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.78 V)
3VSB:          3.38 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +5.56 V)
Vbat:          3.14 V  
fan1:         937 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
fan2:           0 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
fan3:           0 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
temp1:        +46.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
temp2:        +51.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
temp3:        +41.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
intrusion0:  ALARM

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +44.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +81.8°C)
                       (crit = +84.8°C)
Sensor 1:     +44.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Sensor 2:     +46.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +42.9°C  (low  = -20.1°C, high = +74.8°C)
                       (crit = +79.8°C)

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